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  • Strategy Overview

    We have developed a long-term Inclusion and Diversity (I&D) strategy to provide direction to our ongoing efforts to strengthen our culture of inclusive leadership. Our strategy focuses on three key areas: employee education and skill development, representation, and belonging. 

  • Progress in 2020

    As part of the Education & Skill Development pillar of our I&D strategy, we introduced curated training for enterprise learning and targeted audiences. Across the Company, all employees completed training in recognizing unconscious bias. Leaders in the organization also received training in inclusive leadership, completing a three-part course that included an instructor-led session.

CF Industries Inclusion and Diversity Strategy

The Multiple Pathways Initiative

As a Business Roundtable (BRT) member company, we joined the BRT’s Multiple Pathways Initiative (MPI) in December 2020. The MPI is a new, multi-year effort to improve companies’ hiring and talent management practices to emphasize the value of skills, rather than just credentials, and to improve equity, diversity and workplace culture. As part of MPI, our goals for 2021 are to:

  • Create a Company-wide understanding of our commitment to creating equitable talent practices that provide opportunities for talent from diverse backgrounds.
  • Increase inclusiveness and belonging for employees with non-traditional backgrounds.
  • Provide career and economic opportunities and pathways to long-term professional growth.
  • Broaden our access to diverse talent; and
  • Measure, communicate and celebrate successes.