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Board of Directors and Diversity

  • Our Board of Directors believes that its members should reflect a diversity of backgrounds, including experience and skills and personal characteristics such as race, gender and age. Since 2014, our Board has been undertaking a process in which it incorporates recruitment protocols in our director candidate searches that seek to identify candidates with these diversity characteristics. 

    During this time, seven new independent directors have joined our Board. In addition to impeccable business credentials, in terms of personal characteristics, these directors include three women, an African American, a director of Hispanic origin who has dual citizenship in the US and Mexico and a director of Asian origin who lives in the United Kingdom and has dual citizenship in the US and UK.

    As of January 1, 2022, our board of directors has 12 members, composed of 11 independent board members and Tony Willl, president and chief executive officer, CF Industries Holdings, Inc. The composition of the board is currently 50% diverse (gender or racial/ethnic background).